1Q 2018
1. It's occured to me that President Swamp may have stumbled into being a traitor. He really is dumb enough to not be aware that blind faith and unquestioning loyalty can still get you in trouble. Truth is, he surrounds himself with equally limited incompetents, in over their heads, making it up as they go along. He and his are ever unaware there are cause and effect consequences to every move -- thought, word, deed -- in world class initiatives. This is what comes from engaging in that about which one knows nothing, and in not caring to forearm to meet unexpected results to one's deeds. His ignorance may be bliss -- as it may be for his supporters/voters/apologist -- but it's coming to bite us all in the ass.
2. The breathtaking nature of what has been vaguely veiled blasting into the open through a whisper in open Federal court is astounding. The revelation of Sean Hannity as Michael Cohen's secret client lays bare the bias, duplicity and bald faced hypocrisy of that which is misnamed Fox News. In the very screed in which Hannity decried the death of attorney/client privilege over Cohen's office, home, hotel and safe deposit raid, he declared that he shall forever be truthful, and his channel fair and balanced. Hannity's hyperbole is never truthful, and has certainly not been fair nor in any manner balanced. The whole affair is not only cringe worthy, ridicule worthy, but is an embarrassment as part of the American tableu's fabric.
3. The only way groups like the NRA and the Tea Parties have persevered is because they never shut up and they never back down. The astounding inclusiveness and overarching diversity of the ReGenerartion's March for Our Lives and #NeverAgain movement stand to break the stranglehold of division politics, conservative racism (not all conservatives are racists, but all racists are conservative) and the toxic, angry old white male patriarchy embraced by Republican politics.
4. The RNC justifies Conor Lamb's success over Republican candidate Rick Saccone "because he's cute." Dear myopic RNC: The kind of ugly candidate Rick Saccone exhibits -- exactly as with the president with whom he aligned himself and emulates -- hasn't anything to do with his looks.
But, yeah, Conor Lamb is a right looker. Politics is show business for ugly people.
Just as he did for Swiftboating and birtherism, profligate contributor to the likes of WorldNutzDaily Jerome Corsi is manufacturing the argument that an absurd, non-existent, secret "deep state" was created specifically to unthrone Trump in defense of Meuller's impending charges, impeachment, removal and criminal indictment.
6. Facebook charged the Trump campaign 1/100th the fee for the more outrageous, click-bait mongering ads than they charged the Clinton campaign's comparatively boring ads. Facebook claims it's the algorithm's psychometric analysis and not an individual or group of actual humans who made the calls. Humans would have been acting illegally. But, says Facebook, you can't blame a mindless computer program.
Somebody designed the algorithm. Somebody approved the use and application of the algorithm. Somebody programmed it, tested it and debugged it. A whole lot of people monitored its use and effect every hour of every day as it hummed along.
The Trump campaign paid Brad Parscale’s company ~$93M for the online and social media portions of the 2016 campaign. Minus commissions, that's about $70M in ads which would have cost the Clinton campaign $7 Billion dollars for equal efficacy. Facebook's profligate, impetuous avarice for profit did more damage to the American electoral process and the security of American democracy than Russia's Internet Research Agency's $10K divisive campaign. This didn't happen by accident nor did it happen unnoticed as it progressed any more than ads paid for in rubles did. Nothing, simply, was done about these circumstances. For profit.
7. Three hundred and six billion dollars in damage in 2017 caused by climate change disasters in the United States. Never mind world wide. How many billions of profit was had by the petrochemical companies who knew about the dangers and effects of climate change for the last fifty years, denied the existence of Global Warming, and lied about any reference to Climate Change to protect their bottom lines. These are the untold subsidies we among the public remain to pay for corporate America to plunder the strengths and resources of our country and the world.
8. Douglas High School Students of Parkland, Florida are exactly why the Republican party has been trying to eliminate public education in America since Nixon, through Reagan and the two Bushes and into Trump Administration's toady DeVos. The students don't limit their voices to politically correct rhetoric or feign respect to undeserving political so-called leaders. They call BS where BS lives.
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