This is the Democratic Agenda. These are definitive, progressive issues and the measure by which the greater proportion of the country supports them:
Same Sex Marriage 61%
(Some state candidates would legislate this back to exclusion)
Undocumented Immigrant Support 59%
support and acknowledgement that undocumented workers are an essential workforce so many industries depend on, and that Dreamers are productive members of society. Dreamers are fully American in every sense except a certificate that officially agrees.
Non-criminal undocumented immigrant path to stay 74%
Why would those who pose no threat yet are productive, often essential members of society be persecuted? Racist elitists kindly Butt TF Out and Shut TF Up.
Build the wall 34% total support.
Why is nonsense still being talked about?
Legalize Marijuana 58%
The War on Drugs was and remains a racist, Republican cudgel to control their opposition. MJ poses less public health concern than alcohol or tobacco and has major medical and therapeutic applications denied millions with medical complaints. MJ significantly reduces the addiction and overdose affects of the opioid crisis. Portugal reversed this nonsense almost a score years ago, saves many millions annually on arrests, prosecution, incarceration, productivity loss due to addiction, applying the savings to treatment, prevention, general healthcare, infrastructure and education. Left Coast and other states with medical and recreational MJ available collect many millions annually in tax revenue. And, it's cutting significantly into foreign drug cartels' grip on American markets.
Obamacare is good or doesn't go far enough 58%
Why don't the Republican talking points used to vilify the ACA identify the portion of voters who oppose the law because it doesn't go far enough, isn't liberal enough, or isn't single payer they claim support their antipathy for this signature legislation championed by that black guy?
Single Payer Healthcare 58%
It's only a matter of time. Embrace it. Revel in its goodness. Run on it.
Equal Pay 84%
Because it's (always and forever been) The Right Thing to do
Free (Tax supported) child care and pre-school 59%
Our investment in the future. Just like the rest of the developed world already does.
Support $12 minimum wage 66%
Support $15 minimum wage 52%
Had the minimum wage tracked productivity and the cost of living since 1980, it would now be $24/hr (or more). Instead, corporate owners, Republican think tanks and the likes of the BBB feign hardship whenever they are called out on their long held free ride and need to get responsible for a change.
Address Climate Change 64%
It's 'way long past time to get real, for crissakes.
Reduce Defence Spending 64% overall; 80% Democrats
The US spends more on defense than the next eighteen country *combined*. There are multiple failed and/or archaic defense development programs that are authorized over and again solely as employment sources for House members' constituents. That money would better be used to create actually productive jobs like retraining the traditionally coal mining population to work in much healthier alternative energy jobs like solar panel, windmill farm or even the infrastructure supply manufacture pipeline.
Abortion always legal or in most cases 56%
It's a guaranteed, Constitutionally protected right. If it's not your uterus, not your personal abortion, it's none of your business. Your invisible, magical, celestial superhero doesn't have any more say than anybody else who isn't involved in that, individual event. Theocratic option and anti-women's rights crusaders kindly Butt TF Out and Shut TF Up.
Fund Planned Parenthood 58%
Same as above.
Universal Background checks 85%
Mental Illness history restricting gun possession 79%
Federal background check Database 70%
Common Sense ain't anywhere near what it's cracked up to be. Good sense is a much better option. It's 'way long past time to get real. The Russian finance accepting, foreign funds laundering, American Terrorist Organization, armament manufacturers lobby and mouthpiece, the National Rifle Association, doesn't represent even a plurality, much less an actual majority, of Americans. I don't have data on again outlawing assault rifles, which nobody but combat zone military personnel have any business having And that includes domestic municipal and state police.
There are a few issues for which I do not have stats. These are central to the survival of the Middle Class.
- Repeal restrictions on Medicare price negotiations with Big Pharma
Medicare and the individual states' auxillary medical plans have HUGE negotiating power that is arbitrarily prohibited by laws passed at the behest and benefit of pharmaceutical manufacturers. Enough of their free ride on the backs of the sick and vulnerable. - Outlaw employer mandated labor dispute arbitration.
Restore employee class action suits.
Make arbitration an employee opt-in issue at the time labor action is brought, prohibiting arbitration as an term of employment.
What oligarchy coddling bullshit. For the last fifty years, employers, the so-called job makers, have usurped the productivity gains and the massive profits generated by labor. leaving behind a legacy of stagnant wages and less-than subsistence remuneration. Repeated and ever increasing tax breaks and subsidies have robbed the middle class of its very existence. Reverse the tide. Make American Labor great again.
These, and other heretofore uncounted issues, are what America is all about. Stand up, declare these values loudly and clearly. With these issues, city, county, state and Federal counsels, boards, agencies, legislatures and administrators can take this country back from the sociopathological Right Wing.
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