Sunday, June 24, 2018

There are a lot of badly informed people posting apologies for the recent zero tolerance policy that has separated over two-thousand children from their parent(s) at the border, whether they were seeking asylum or otherwise. It's merely been yet another exercise of falsely villainizing innocent people for political points.

Separating children from their parents, even those entering lawfully and immediately applying for asylum, is reprehensibly cruel. The trauma visited on these children presauges a life filled with anxiety issues, distrust of ALL authority, substance abuse, coronary disease, high blood pressure, learning difficulties and a further list of life-long disease and dysfunction.

There is no such thing as a just law that separates children from their parents without just cause, even were the infractions at issue felonies. Crossing the border into this country without a visa or identification papers, assuming there are such documents available from the fleeing immigrants' home country, is a misdemeanor. That's a traffic ticket level infraction. Reentering the country without proper documentation after having been previously deported, is where immigration felonies begin.

There's nothing just about stripng any families of their children on a technical, misdemeanor infraction. Stripping statutorily defined asylum seekers of their children under the excuse of smuggling children is an outrage, and just one more lie perpetrated by the Trump administration in their quest of eliminating any kind of empathy or good will extended by this country's government not only to the world at large but to the non-white, non-rich citizens of this country and any of the non-white, non-rich sympathies that exist.

Apologizing for anything this President does that is any kind of a dick move, which is everything the Buffoon-in-chief does, is any among innocently ignorant, willfully ignorant, racist, misogyny, ageist, xenophobic, and ultimately, anti-social to the point of pathology. Shame on anyone who follows right wing propaganda as if it were reflections of reality. Shame on asny who not falsifying the things heard over whichever medium, no matter how good those things make you feel. Shame on everyone who apologizes for this man's obvious antipathy for anything and everybody who isn't he, himself.

Plus, it was Stephen Miller, senior advisor to the President, who previously stated on camera that the President's orders shall only be obeyed, who was the driving force behind this zero tolerance policy which had never been proposed as policy by any previous president. EVER. This particular little episode would never have happened were sociopaths like Wormtongue, I mean, Miller, not at the President's ear.

Keep in mind, as well, that these laws are written by humans with agendas and benefactors other than their constituents to satisfy. None of these immigration laws are any more than arbitrary. Those laws which limit and scapegoat honest workers -- who are crucial and critical for our economy, who pay taxes without any chance of the benefits we citizens derive from paying those membership dues to our society -- are disingenous and are never or in any way, providential. Immigration laws are subject to political whim at the expense of the very people we need for cheap food, safe and clean social venues, and many, many places in which they remain invisible. They have no voice. They are the easy targets of villains and cowards. 
Anti-immigration policy is unamerican, antidemocratic, antidemocracy, and contrary to the most basic fabric of which this country stands and thrives.

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